This page is a collection of links to resources on the Internet which may be of interest to our Grantees and other scientists working in developing countries.
[PERI - Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information
INASP - International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications]
If you are at an institution in a developing country your institution is eligible for free access to a very large number of scientific journals on the Internet - the normally high subscription costs have been waivered through this programme.
» PERI Programme
» INASP website
Free full-text articles for PERI-Programme eligible countries (see above).
TEEAL, or The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library, is a full-text and searchable database of articles from 200 high-quality research journals in agriculture and related sciences spanning several years.
Check if the TEEAL Library is available through your institution’s library – if not you could encourage them to make it available.
If you are at a smaller institution, that institution may be eligible for a substantial discount to make the TEEAL Library available, and in eligible ACP countries funding assistance is available through CTA, Netherlands. publishes grant notifications from a wide variety of sources.
TWAS gives Research Grants in scientific areas which are not covered by the IFS Granting Programme (such as basic sciences).
FAO and other organisations have combined resources to produce a database of funding sources within forestry:
A website with many resources on the different steps in a research project: initial problem analysis, current understanding and literature review, setting objectives and hypotheses, research designs, handling data, formal analysis, publication, etc.
» ICRAF-ILRI Research Methods Group
The GenStat Discovery Edition is a free version of GenStat developed by VSN International. GenStat Discovery Edition 2 is available to non-commercial users throughout Africa and a range of developing countries outside Africa. Examples of users who qualify are students and lecturers of universities and staff of government research organisations or NGOs. The site contains user guides and documentation about the software and information how African users can pick up a free CDrom with the software.
» ICRAF-ILRI GenStat page
» An overview of some training recources
This programme has many initiatives supporting women in science in developing countries and lots of relevant informatin and links.
» CG Gender & Diversity Programme
OWSD (formerly TWOWS) is an international forum uniting women scientists from the South with the objective of strengthening their role in the development process and promoting their representation in scientific and technological leadership.