To commemorate the outstanding contributions made by Dr Sven Brohult, IFS' first President, to the creation and development of the Foundation, the Third General Assembly in November 1981 at Chiang Mai, Thailand, established a "Sven Brohult Award" for outstanding work by a grantee.
The aim of the Sven Brohult Award is to recognize excellence in research and create a better scientific atmosphere in developing countries.
Each Award is USD 10,000 and is given to an IFS grantee every three years.
Nominations for the Award can be submitted by IFS Affiliated Organisations, other national and international scientific societies, research institutions in developed and developing countries, Advisers of the International Foundation for Science and other scientists, and IFS Grantees. Self-nomination is not permitted.
Nominations shall be submitted to the Director of the International Foundation for Science.
At the IFS Secretariat, the nominations will be registered and then distributed to the relevant Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). The SACs will discuss the nominations within their Research Areas and submit a short-list to the Director. From the shortlists the Director will choose the Awardees for final approval by the Board of Trustees at its Annual Meeting.
The 8th Sven Brohult Award was given in 2007 to Dr Horacio Zagarese of Argentina for his work in the area of aquatic photobiology. Dr Zagarese received three IFS Research Grants (1994, 1997 and 1999) and the IFS Jubilee Award in 1999.
» more about Dr Horacio Zagarese
The 7th Sven Brohult Award was given in 2004 to Professor Enrique Galindo of Mexico for his work in the area of bioprocess engineering. Prof Galindo received the first of three IFS Research Grants in 1988 and has been a Scientific Adviser for IFS since 1996. He was presented with the award at a ceremony at IAEA in Vienna.
» more about Prof Enrique Galindo
The 6th Sven Brohult Award was awarded to Professor Philippe Rasoanaivo of Madagascar for his work on the endemic medicinal and aromatic plants used by traditional healers in his country. He received the Award at a ceremony held at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in Washington DC, November 2001.
» more about Prof Philippe Rasoanaivo
The 5th Sven Brohult Award was awarded to Dr José María Gutiérrez of Costa Rica at the IFS Assembly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1997, for his research on the venom of Bothrops asper, which is the major poisonous snake in Central America, causing necrosis, haemorrhage, and local inflammatory responses in muscle tissues.
» more about Dr José Maria Gutiérrez
The 4th Sven Brohult Award was awarded to Dr Lourdes Cruz of the Philippines in 1994 for research on the medical and biochemical applications of Conus spp.
» more about Dr Lourdes Cruz
The 3rd Sven Brohult Award was awarded to Dr Nteranya Sanginga of Democratic Republic of Congo in 1991 for research on nitrogen fixation by trees in agroforestry systems.
The 2nd Sven Brohult Award was awarded to Prof Bernabé Santelices of Chile in 1987 for research on the biology of the algae Gelidium rex, as well as the development of applied seaweed farming technology.
The 1st Sven Brohult Award was awarded to Prof Abdul Latif Ibrahim of Malaysia in 1984 for research on a vaccine against Newcastle disease.