The IFS Jubilee Award was established originally in 1997 as the IFS Silver Jubilee Award to complement the IFS/Danida Award, i.e. for grantees from countries other than from Sub-Saharan Africa. As a mark of the 30th Anniversary of IFS in 2004, the Board of Trustees changed the name to the IFS Jubilee Award. It is given to grantees from Latin America/the Caribbean, Asia/the Pacific and Northern Africa and the Middle East. Up to 8 awards of USD 2,000 each are given each year.
The IFS Jubilee Awards are given for noteworthy achievements clearly associated with research work supported by IFS. Candidates should therefore normally have an IFS project in progress, but those who have concluded IFS funded projects in the last five years are also eligible for nomination.
The following types of achievements are considered as qualifications for the IFS Jubilee Awards:
Nominations for the IFS Jubilee Awards can be submitted by IFS Scientific Advisers, IFS Affiliated Organisations, and relevant co-operating organisations. Grantees may not nominate themselves.
Nominations for the IFS Jubilee Awards should be sent to the IFS Secretariat, where they will be registered and then distributed to the relevant Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC). The SACs will discuss the nominations within their Research Areas and submit a short-list to the Scientific and Grants Committee (SGC). From the shortlists the SGC will choose the Awardees for final approval by the Board of Trustees at its Annual Meeting.
Whenever possible and economically feasible, the actual handing over of the Award to an Awardee will be done in conjunction with other events, such as IFS workshops or other meetings.
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