These forms are for the Collaborative Research Grants Programme.
The 2016 session of the Collaborative Research Grants Programme is on-going with limited eligibility, described in the box to the right. Participation is by invitation only and applications will not be accepted from anyone not already participating in the pre-application online work.
The Applicant
must be a citizen of Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste or Vietnam
and must do their research in one or more of those countries
must have completed a Masters or PhD degree (or equivalent academic degree)
must be doing/will do research on some aspect of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCHAM)
(for first time IFS grant applicants), if male, must be younger than 35; and if female, younger than 40 years of age on the final Application deadline date of June 30th, 2016
if already an IFS or SEARCA Grantee, may apply for a Collaborative Research Grant in this programme, provided that IFS or SEARCA has accepted your report on the previous grant, no later than the final Application deadline date of June 30th, 2016
must be attached to a university, national research institution or a research oriented and not-for-profit NGO in one of the eligible countries and do the research project in one of the eligible countries
Team eligibility
Teams must consist of 3, 4 or-5 collaborators, all of whom must fulfill the eligibility criteria above
In each Team, one collaborator must be designated Team Coordinator
Applications will be judged on scientific merit, but when choosing between applications of similar merit,
teams which are gender balanced,
teams including a mix of researchers from the eligible countries, and
teams including researchers from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Timor-Leste or Vietnam
will be prioritised