Published: 2018-03-08

IFS is committed to promoting the participation and roles of women and girls in science, taking an approach that addresses the importance of gender-sensitive training and research. It aims to incorporate a gender perspective into research objectives, methodology, results and use, as well as a consideration of the gender impacts of research.

In connection with International Women’s Day on 8 March, we are reaching out to young women researchers who received an IFS grant in 2017 to ask about their experiences as women researchers and the challenges they have faced. By doing this, IFS will get ideas to improve its training workshops and research granting system to better respond to the needs of woman researchers.

Today we would also like to highlight our team leaders in the IFS collaborative research grant on climate change adaptation and mitigation: Dr. Charoensapsri from Thailand, Dr. Dahlan from Malaysia, Dr. Landicho from the Philippines, Dr. Ponza from Thailand, and Dr. Situmorang from Indonesia. The IFS collaborative research grant, launched in 2011, supports collaborative research through merit-based awards to teams of 3-5 early-career scientists who fulfil specified eligibility criteria. In this call, five of the 12 teams are led by eminent women.


Dr.Charoensapsri is the team leader of a group investigating the effect of climate change on the severity of diseases in shrimp aquaculture. The team was awarded the Carolina MacGillavry Award for the highest-ranked application.

Dr. Dahlan

Dr. Dahlan leads her research team to develop the next low-cost, energy-efficient greenhouse system for producing good-quality tomatoes. The team aims to increase crop marketability, small-scale farmer incomes and food security, and reduce poverty.

Dr. Landicho

Dr. Landicho leads her team in assessing the adaptive capacities of smallholder farmers in upland farming communities in the Philippines, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. At the end of the project, they will generate technical and policy recommendations that will enhance adaptive capacities to climate change events.

Dr. Ponza

Dr. Ponza leads a team of four working to investigate the effects of climate change on tilapia aquaculture production in Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. We continue to follow the development of their project and the way to reach their goal to derive practices for zero waste fish production and low carbon footprint on fish aquaculture in Southeast Asia.

Dr. Situmorang

Dr. Situmorang leads a project to improve the productivity and environmental sustainability of shrimp production as a climate change adaptation strategy in the Southeast Asian shrimp aquaculture industry. Under her leadership, the team was awarded the Carolina MacGillavry Award.

The collaborative research approach has been successful in overcoming problems of finding and engaging with like-minded scientists, cutting across countries, uniting scientists in different institutions, linking women and men in research teams and even facilitating Anglophone and Francophone scientists to work together. It attracts a higher proportion of female scientists than individual research calls and many women are selected to lead mixed-gender teams.

We are looking for organizations and donors willing to cooperate with us in supporting women in science in developing countries.



  1. Shehla Begum, Apr 07, 2018 at 01:50 PM

    We are likely to open a call for individual applications later this year. Subscribing to our RSS feeds will let you receive an announcement when a call for applications is going to be opened, and also IFS-related news items and our Director´s blog posts

  2. Alejandra Aguilar, Apr 06, 2018 at 03:40 AM

    You inspire me to work harder. Thanks from Guatemala.

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