The global population is growing at a rate of about 1% per annum and is expected to exceed ten billion by 2050. The challenges facing our growing global population are those of poverty, economic inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, dwindling water resources, need for employment opportunities, land and water conflicts, injustices and threats to democracy. Particularly the challenges are great in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is expected to double its population by 2050 from today's 1.3 billion.
It is documented by research that humankind is profoundly changing the planet, creating numerous and prescient problems. We live in a world that is more economically integrated and unequal and where the profound challenges posed by climate change are emerging on a global scale. While the relative number is decreasing, the absolute number of those needing to be lifted out of hunger and poverty, in particular in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are increasing.
These challenges and problems must be addressed by evidence-based research and development. Along with other regional and international organizations committed to increasing investment in science, technology and innovation (STI) to ensure a sustainable planet, IFS is contributing to the understanding and resolution of national and global problems by enhancing the science capacity of early career scientists in the IFS-eligible countries.
The important contributions through STI development are often not fully realized by policy makers and politicians, leading to budgetary constraints that impede investment in the area. Although higher education has expanded in the regions supported by IFS, especially in Africa, research capacity and science literacy remain weak. Many early career scientists leave their home countries in search of better opportunities to undertake research. This weakens the possibility of LLMIC researchers influencing the setting of global research agendas related to poverty and hunger reduction.If able to conduct research in their home environments and institutions, early career researchers in LLMICs are and will be on the front line to assess the value and validity of research and innovation initiatives that focus on developing solutions.
There are many examples where research has been used by early career scientists that IFS has supported since its inception. With comparatively small levels of funding from IFS, these researchers have made modest but innovative contributions to addressing national and global problems. IFS's experience shows that enhancing the research capacity of promising early career scientists is an important approach through which scientists engage and contribute to research on local and regional aspects of global challenges. Beyond awarding individual grants to early career scientists, IFS also provides researchers with access to mentoring and contacts within broad scientific networks.
IFS welcomes applications from early career researchers in the natural and social sciences. Applications can be discipline-oriented as well as multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary in character. We support original research proposals that are innovative and / or relevant to local or national development needs and problems, and that aim to generate fundamental and / or applicable scientific knowledge. Proposals may be submitted within the three thematic research clusters of:
The Research Clusters
The three thematic research clusters are arranged to facilitate the applicant's identification of an appropriate framework for their submissions. Since many topical areas within the three clusters are overlapping, research topics that integrate or cut across them will also be welcomed and encouraged. The proposed research may only address a specific component of a particular research theme but awareness of its interconnections with other themes can help position the research within a broader perspective and provide a deeper contextual understanding for the study.
Before applying for funding under one or more of these three research clusters, applicants should carefully read their descriptions and rationales as outlined below so as to identify the cluster (s) that best suit their research proposal.
This includes (but is not limited to) research on:
This includes (but is not limited to) research on:
This includes (but is not limited to) research on:
How Agricultural and/or Livestock Production can contribute to rural development in a diversified and sustainable manner, economically, socially and environmentally.
How to promote and enhance Food Security for households and individuals, by addressing issues such as food production, nutrition, cultural factors linked to food consumption, food safety and hygiene, and various factors affecting access to food such as land tenure, food sharing, work opportunities, price variation / volatility, credit and other financial services; food security in both rural and urban settings, as well as linkages between rural and urban areas in the quest for enhancing food security; issues, processes and / or factors that may contribute to sustaining food security for households and individuals over time.
Primary Health Care and its role in promoting links among food, nutrition and health.
The role of Extension Services to help improve conditions through the spread and uptake of new techniques and crops to increase productivity; analyzes of various training and education initiatives of smallholders, men and women; and public, private or farmer field schools, as examples.
Enhancement of Irrigation through construction of dams or various types of water sources including reuse of treated wastewater and water, and harvesting and storage; organization of irrigation schemes to secure sustainability in terms of both access to water and cooperation among participating farmers, households and irrigation agencies.
Sustainable Agricultural Practices, rural infrastructure and storage, reduction of post-harvest losses and waste of food in the food supply chain.
Markets and Trading Systems, including strengthening of urban-rural linkages, traditional seed supply systems, developing appropriate agricultural cooperatives, and the role of public and private investment in sustainable agriculture.
Food Value Chains, from research to production, storage, packing transport and marketing; whose interests assert the most influence and control along the value chain? How can participants in value chains enhance their food security in sustainable ways?
Vulnerability and Resilience of agricultural systems and adaptation to climate variability.