Enhancing capacity in science communication and strengthening the representation of women in science in the Global South

Published: 2022-08-25

The IFS 1000 STEM Women Workshop was held over the 11-12 August, 2022.

The workshop was  organised by IFS facilitators specialising on gender issues, Ms Jill Wallin, Dr Jennifer Sjölund and Mr Elvis Bahati Orlendo and IFS partner Dr Ramesh Laungani, who is the founder of the 1000 STEM Women Project - a global video library created by women working in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM). Dr Laungani is the Chair of the Science Department at Poly Prep Country Day School, New York, where he uses his experience in science communication to inspire the next generation of scientists.

This interactive online workshop brought together participants from 14 different countries to explore ways in which scientists can better engage with non-scientific audiences by considering their audience’s context, and by being intentional with their choice of words.

Participants practiced describing their research to schoolchildren - the target audience of the 1000 STEM Women project. The skills developed in this workshop can be applied to a wide range of audiences, not only schoolchildren. One participant realised that too much technical language was creating a barrier in her communication with farmers and reflected on how she could use the tools she learnt in this workshop to tailor her language to the farmers.

Participants practiced recording videos of themselves communicating their science on Flip – an asynchronous video discussion tool. Participant’s final videos for the 1000 STEM Women Project will be completed in their own time, after the workshop, and uploaded to the platform when ready.

Participants praised the workshop, appreciating the openness and helpfulness of the facilitators. Their confidence in describing their research to non-scientific audiences, avoiding the use of technical language, and filming short videos, all increased after the workshop.

IFS is grateful for our partnership with Dr Laungani and the 1000 STEM Women Project. Ensuring schoolchildren have access to a diversity of positive role models in science, which challenges negative stereotypes and minimises barriers. Through our collaboration, IFS increases the visibility of women scientists in the Global South. We hope that this representation will encourage more girls in the Global South to pursue careers in STEM.

 Ms Wallin starts off the workshop with a talk on the wider importance of science communication
Ms Wallin starts off the workshop with a talk on the wider importance of science communication.

IFS grantee, Khouloud Krichen based at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, joined the workshop from Tunisia.
IFS grantee, Khouloud Krichen based at the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, joined the workshop from Tunisia.

"Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses. Without working hard, I don't have the opportunity to be with the IFS team, and I was very pleased to attend the workshop. I had a really great time."

Group photo at the end of the workshop!
Group photo at the end of the workshop!




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