In connection with filling out and sending an application to IFS, the data you pass on will be registered and processed by the foundation.
The data that is processed is all the data you disclose to IFS including information about name, title, address, telephone number, email, gender, age, nationality, curriculum vitae as well as any researcher ID (ORCID).
The purpose of processing
The purpose of processing your personal data is to evaluate your application for being awarded a grant from IFS.
In the event your project is awarded a grant, the personal data (please see “Erasure policy” below) will be stored in our database of granted projects. The purpose of this processing is partly to create a register/bibliography of granted projects in order that future applicants and other interested parties will be able to gain insight into who and what projects have received a grant.
In the event that your project is not awarded a grant, the personal data stated under the heading “Erasure policy” will be part of our internal register of applications received.
Erasure policy
The personal data that you divulge to IFS will as a minimum be filed until a decision about your application has been made and from then on based on the following criteria:
In the event that IFS decide to award a grant on the basis of your application, the information about your name, project title and possible workplace will be filed in IFS register of granted projects, which partly is accessible to the general public. The data will be kept on file for as long as this is relevant considering there being an interest in the data still being accessible from a societal and research point of view.
In addition, all other information (address, telephone number, email and possible curriculum vitae) as well as information about your name, gender, nationality as well as possible researcher ID (ORCID) will be filed for as long as IFS find it necessary with a view to the data becoming part of IFS internal register of applications received as well as granted projects.
In the event that IFS decide not to give a grant based on your application, the information about your title, name, gender, age, nationality, project title and possible workplace will be filed in IFS internal register of applications received
Your rights
At any time you shall be entitled to ask for access to and rectification or erasure of the personal data that IFS process about you via the below contact information. Moreover, at any time you shall be entitled to request that the processing of your personal data is limited as well as to object to our processing of your personal data. Finally, you are entitled to take advantage of the right to data portability whereby, on request to IFS, your personal data will be returned to you in a structured, ordinarily used and machine readable format, or we will see to it that this data is transmitted to another data controller if technically possible.
At any time you shall be entitled to complain about the processing of your personal data to the Swedish Data Protection Agency.
Transfer of personal data
As part of the processing of your personal data your data will be stored on servers located in countries outside the EU/EEA as well as be accessible to countries outside the EU/EEA with a view to updating the servers. We guarantee that your data will only be transferred to third countries which, cf. a European Commission regulation, will ensure a sufficient protection level, or based on standard regulations on data protection adopted by the European Commission, which is binding on the recipient of personal data in third countries.
Data controllers
Data controllers in relation to the above processing of your personal data are IFS, Organisation No. 8024125539 with the same address, Karlavägen 108, 5th floor SE-115 26 Stockholm, Sweden, and telephone number (+46) 8 545 818 00.
Governing law on processing
Your personal data will be processed partly on the basis of the consent you may give below, partly on the basis of IFS legitimate interest in processing data about applications received as well as projects that are awarded grants, cf. article 6, paragraph (1) (f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the legitimate interest assessment regulation). For the sake of good order consent, see below, shall be obtained as, in principle, IFS processing of personal data can clearly be based on the legitimate interest assessment regulation.
At any time you shall be entitled to revoke your consent by giving notice in writing by email to
In the event you revoke your consent to process your personal data during the application process, IFS will undertake a specific evaluation to decide whether the data can still be processed based on article 6, paragraph (1) (f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the legitimate interest assessment regulation).