Published: 2020-05-27

We are pleased to share with you the IFS annual report 2019. The report describes significant progress and outcomes as we continue to deliver on our purpose – to support early career researchers to enhance their scientific capacity. We ended 2019 stronger and better able to perform our usual activities, along with the year-plus development of a new strategy.

The world has changed dramatically since the end of 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic, and ensuing social and economic calamity, have touched every aspect of society. While we made significant progress against our goals in 2019, the current COVID-19 crisis highlights that much work remains to be done and it is urgent. The disproportionate vulnerability of Low and Lower-Middle-Income Countries (LLMICs) demands that now is the time for all of us to consider how best to support the efforts of early career researchers in LLMICs. Among the numerous lessons we are learning through our collective experience of the COVID-19 pandemic is the importance of linking local capacity, experience and expertise with worldwide networks of scientists, implementers and policy-makers.

It is through this lens that we are viewing our program this year: doing our best to respond to immediate needs while building on the real progress made in 2019. Like everyone else, IFS is trying to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on society, governments, markets and food systems. As I write, we are taking stock of how our ongoing grantees are faring, and how we will act together to manage the circumstances. In the short term, we have revised our plans and budgets to optimize our support to early career researchers. We have also initiated new thinking and analysis of our new strategy for 2021-2030 with our strategic partners and donors, to better position early career researchers to strengthen themselves and contribute to solving their respective societal problems in the post-COVID world.

We also take this opportunity to convey our deep appreciation for your contributions to the IFS mission and for your involvement in IFS’s work. What you will read about in this report is a reflection of the work of many people, sustained across numerous years and sometimes decades. Most of all, however, it is the result of the hard work of our grantees, with the steady support of our IFS Secretariat.

The report can be accessed as a turning document and as a downloadable pdf.

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the report.

Thank you and be safe. I hope you enjoy reading our Annual Report.


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