IFS Supports the March for Science on Earth Day 2017

Published: 2017-04-22

On 22 April, Earth Day 2017, in more than 600 locations around the planet, multitudes of concerned global citizens took to the streets and join rallies in support of the first-ever March for Science.

Nighisty Ghezae, DirectorNighisty Ghezae, IFS Director

According to its website (www.marchforscience.com), “The March for Science is the first step of a global movement to defend the vital role science plays in our health, safety, economies, and governments. Science, scientists, and evidence-based policymaking are under attack. Budget cuts, censorship of researchers, disappearing datasets, and threats to dismantle government agencies harm us all, putting our health, food, air, water, climate, and jobs at risk. It is time for people who support science to take a public stand and be counted. We are building a broad, nonpartisan, and diverse coalition of organizations and individuals who stand up for science. We are advocating for evidence-based policymaking, science education, research funding, and inclusive and accessible science.”

In anticipation of the March for Science and Earth Day, and in line with our 2017 campaign on environmental and climate literacy, IFS asked this question of several of its grantees currently working on scientific issues related to various aspects of water scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa region: “What does science mean to you in addressing water issues in your part of the world?” Among the responses, Dr Abdelilah El-Abbassi, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco, wrote: “Science can bring practical and creative solutions to overcome water scarcity in this region by developing desalination and water treatment technologies. Moreover, water reuse can promote an increase of public awareness about the need for rational use of water and wastewater management.” Dr Kamal Ghodeif, Suez Canal University, Egypt, replied that “water science needs to apply an innovative approach that takes into consideration our arid conditions, culture and other socioeconomic issues.”

Also in Egypt, Mr Mahmoud Abdel-Wahed, National Research Center, is studying advanced treatment technologies such as photocatalysis as a promising technology for remediation of wastewater and for saving energy by utilizing solar light with a possibility of energy generation; and Dr Ahmed Mosa, Mansoura University, has conducted research on biochar (charcoal-like material  produced from organic feedstock) filters that can be used on farms as a safeguard for wastewater irrigation. This research is Introducing a non-sophisticated and decentralized technique for low-quality water reclamation using low-cost adsorbents derived from agricultural residues.

IFS is proud to be an international partner in supporting the work of such dedicated early-career scientists.


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